High speed train Thailand,

High speed train Thailand, The Project that unable to make due to opposite of Government don't like 

New Rail Route connect Indochina

Thailand is set to open a new rail route, which connects the country with Cambodia, to further boost the transportation connection with Vietnam.

Transport Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan said on Friday that Cambodia has recently asked Thailand to build a railway bridge to connect the country’s Aranyaprathet District with its Poipet District.
Mr. Charupong stated that the project, which will link the two neighbors’ railway service, is expected to be completed in 2013.

Buddha Statue in Amazon

Buddha Statue

Today I want to talk about Buddhism,

Buddhism is the religion that most Thai people respects. That so many of people around the world knows about this.

Let me say a little bit about.Buddhism.

Me opinion about Thailand Protest

I am on outskirt of Bangkok,The capital of Thailand. So that I was not affected from about the protest that rally around tha center of capital thailand.


I am not agree with them but I don't like to talk about political. becuase I worry that maybe some friend don't like and hate me.

Thai Green Red Yellow Curry

Travel In AEC today I want to talk about the food of ASEAN country.

What is AEC : AEC is a community of Country that in the region of South East Asia. We combined with Thailand,Lao,Myanmar,Malaysia,Singapore,Vietnam,Philippine,Indonesia and Timor.

We are a community that is multicultural. and so that we have many style of food to offer you.

I believe you all for your interest in Thailand. Be interesting to taste Thailand.

Thai Fight : Muay Thai Tournament

Again I still write some review blog for you enjoined.

Some guy that like Muay Thai,Thai Boxing maybe you like as below list of some equipment for collect or some of thai boxign gyme in you towns.

Do you knows about Thai Fight, it is a favorite Muay Thai tournament

List of funiture handmade Thai Style

Maybe some of you hope to decorate your home or your festival party in mode ASIA Vintage style. I have a list of some best Thai handmade for decorate.

For Men that Have tarvel To Thailand with special target

I Know that in your town should to have some Book Store which that you can select so many travel book guid. but Today I wanto to introduce you about some book guid to travel to Thailand,The amzing destination place.


 All of you have a plan to travel in ASIA that had knows already  about Thailand. but some of you need some special place give you have best experienced.

Best Seller Canon Camera for traveler

if your  are traveler that go aroud the world and you still believed that Camera better than smart Phone.

I hope you will enjoined to this cannon camera

Canon EOS Rebel T3i 18 MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera and DIGIC 4 Imaging with EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens

If you are considering the Rebel T3i vs T2i, the Rebel T3i is replacing the T2i. Since both cameras share the same 18 megapixel sensor and Digic 4 processor, both the T2i and T3i will create images with exactly the same image quality, produce the same low light/ high ISO performance, shoot at 3.7 frames per second, and have nearly the same size and build quality. They are both offered with the same 18-55mm kit lens (with some minor cosmetic differences on the new T3i kit lens). 

The T3i is very slightly larger and heavier due to the addition of the rotating rear LCD monitor. And that is one of the biggest differences between the two cameras.

 Do you want and need a vari-angle rear screen or not? 

The other major difference is the ability of the T3i to remotely control multiple off-camera flashes. Like the 60D and 7D, you can use the built-in flash of the T3i to trigger other Canon Speedlites. Some other minor additions to the T3i include the Scene Intelligent Auto Mode, which is a feature borrowed from point and shoot cameras.